Fi Masina

John Tsolakis

Fi Masina​
Business Services Manager

Meet Fi Masina, CAAA’s Business Services Manager extraordinaire, who’s been known to reel in even the most elusive tax deductions. Her favourite quote? “Give a person a fish, and you feed them for a day; teach a person to fish and you feed them for a lifetime.” Though in Fi’s case, it’s more like “Teach a business to fish, and you’ll keep the ATO at bay.”

Armed with a CPA qualification and a Bachelor of Business in Accounting & Finance, Fi has an ability to navigate financial waters that would make even Christopher Columbus seasick.

Fi’s career highlight reel includes successfully resolving issues between clients and the Australian Taxation Office. Some say she speaks fluent ‘ATO-ese’ and can charm even the most hardened tax auditor with her financial finesse.

When she’s not crunching numbers or rescuing clients from the jaws of tax season, Fi enjoys the simpler things in life. She’s an avid reader, movie buff, and sports fanatic. You’ll find her cheering for the Parramatta Eels (because everyone loves an underdog), Millwall FC (proving her loyalty knows no geographical bounds), and any Australian team competing internationally.

Fi’s admiration for Queen Elizabeth II isn’t just a royal fascination – it’s a reflection of her own regal approach to client relationships. She rules her financial kingdom with the same grace, dedication, and impeccable hat choices as Her Majesty (okay, maybe not the hats).

At CAAA, Fi is the secret weapon in the war against financial chaos. She’s proof that even in the world of accounting, there’s room for a little humour – as long as it’s tax-deductible, of course.


  • Bachelor of Business – Accounting/Finance
  • CPA

Areas of specialty:

  • Specialising in Business Services