Corporate Social Responsibility
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give”.
– Winston Churchill
Creating A Responsible Equal Society
Established in 2018, CAAA C.A.R.E.S is an initiative uniting CAAA staff across our locations that take part in volunteer days throughout the year contributing to the work of charitable organisations around Australia.
We demonstrate our support and commitment to responsible corporate citizenship by offering a paid ‘donate a day’ to each employee to devote their time to a charity of their choice.
We aim to work with organisations that provide assistance to our community in a range of fields including health & medical, social welfare and culture & community.
Volunteer days include; supporting the organisations through participating in their organized activities and events to raise funds, and offering professional advice to ensure the best quality accounting services are accessible to everyday people and businesses.

Volunteer Days

Date: Monday 16th December 2019
CAAA Champion: James Zhang
Charity Supported: The Smith Family. James joined volunteers from other large firms such as MLC & IOOF to work as a team and package up gifts for underprivileged families who may have not otherwise received a gift at Christmas time. He also helped with a stock take of left over gifts and packed up the event space. Congratulations to James and all the other volunteers on their achievements.
Date: 11th August 2019
CAAA Champion: Grace Law & Cheryl Law
Charity Supported: The Humpty Dumpty Foundation is a children’s charity that, for more than 28 years, has been purchasing essential and often life-saving medical equipment for sick and injured children in Paediatric Wards, Neonatal Units, Maternity and Emergency Departments in hospitals across Australia. Grace and Cheryl chose to complete The City to Surf to help raise money for the sick kids who are in life changing situations that this charity supports every day.
Date: 28th March 2019
CAAA Champion: Marina Firth
Charity Supported: Starlight Children’s Foundation is a non-profit organisation founded in 1982 for hospitalized children and their families. Starlight programs offer entertainment, education and technology to critically, chronically and terminally ill children. Marina volunteered at the event “Who Wants to be a Rockstar” a talent quest to help raise funds for the foundation organised by FICAPS Australia.
Date: 24th March 2019
CAAA Champion: Michael Kuster
Charity Supported: The Leukaemia Foundation work with Australian communities to beat blood cancer. Michael volunteered in the Event for “The World’s Greatest Shave” – “Happy Laps for a Cure” to raise funds for the Leukaemia Foundation. Specifically, Michael who is a car enthusiast donated his Classic 1985 Porsche 911 Targa for the Show & Shine happy laps where laps were available in a car of choice with proceeds donated to the Leukaemia Foundation.
Date: 17th March 2019
CAAA Champions: Fleming Stojanovski, David Pettman & Christopher Borg
Charity Supported: Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia &The Peter Duncan Neurosciences Research Unit at St Vincent’s Hospital
In Australia, prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men. In 2018, there were more than 17,700 new cases of prostate cancer diagnosed in Australia, accounting for almost a quarter of all types of cancer diagnosed in men. Tragically, this resulted in 3500 deaths, or almost 13% of all cancer deaths in Australian men.
The Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia is a broad based community organisation and the peak national body for prostate cancer in Australia. It is dedicated to reducing the impact of prostate cancer on Australian men, their partners and families, recognising the diversity of the Australian community.
The Peter Duncan Neurosciences Research Unit at St Vincent’s Hospital in Sydney has recently been lauded as the number one Neuroscience Research facility in Australia.
The focus of the Unit is to study adult stem cells and their role in causing and exacerbating neurological diseases. The goal is to find and apply new neuroscience techniques for patients suffering from diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease and Alzheimer’s, and other neurological infections and stroke.
Proceeds from the Pirtek Fishing Challenge will be split between these two leading medical research organisations.
Date: 15th March 2019
CAAA Champions: Fiona Tindal, Joanne Pappas & Kiralee Kennaway
Charity Supported: The Fred Hollows Foundation
Fred Hollows put into place a legacy to end avoidable blindness and to help restore sight to millions of people in Australia and overseas, often with a simple 20 minute operation. The far reaching and immediate results of the Foundation have always earned the admiration of Joanne, Kiralee and Fiona.
The Wild Women on Top Coastrek 15, 30 and 60 km challenge raises funds for The Fred Hollows Foundation. Fred always pushed the limits as a surgeon and humanitarian and was also a mountaineer so it makes sense for their biggest fundraiser to be a true test of endurance in Sydney’s beautiful outdoors.
How did we help? The Coastrek required volunteer Marshalls to assist at remote locations along the trek. Apart from ensuring the trekkers stayed on track and answering any of their general questions, we soon realised that our main role was to cheer the trekkers on and encourage them to finish the last 10kms! It was an incredibly rewarding day because the enthusiasm was reciprocated with many tired and worn out trekkers taking the time out to thank us, personally, for volunteering and helping.
Their target for the Sydney Coastrek was $2,000,000 and they reached $1,610,697.