Keith Wilson

Keith Wilson
Director CAAA Corporate Advisory
He qualified as a Chartered Accountant in London in 1989 and then worked internationally in many countries until 2003, when he moved to Sydney. He’s a firm believer in taking a giant pair of scissors and cutting through complexity, red-tape, jargon, and bureaucracy in the business world.
Keith has over 30-years extensive experience in Telecommunication and Technology: valuing businesses, acquiring businesses, selling them, setting up finance teams and managing financial reporting. Keith is a light-hearted chap, very sociable, and a soccer player. He still thinks that he can kick goals; on the park and in business.
What are you infamous for?
Once working for Queen, the Rock band and surviving through three military coups.
What do you collect?
Memories and experiences.
Who do you admire?
All those who don’t give up in the face of adversity and have the tenacity and courage to keep trying to succeed.
What is the funniest thing about you?
I still play soccer, twice a week, at my age.