Richard Cox

Richard Cox

Richard Cox
Business Services Partner

With 45 years of public practice under his belt, Richard is a pro-active accountant who supports and mentors his clients through their business and financial journeys. Richard holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) and a believer that integrity and drive can replace the need for overly complex compliance work with good old fashioned advice.

Growing up playing Rugby it’s no surprise that Richard is a keen supporters of the Wallabies, but what you might find surprising is he is also a music fan of Supertramp, Pink Floyd, Doobie Bros & Bruce.

When he isn’t working with clients, he loves to spend time with his family, skiing, boating and travelling. Always the square peg in the round hole, Richard applies this principal to any client matter and looks for the best solution, not just one that fits.


  • Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting)
  • Chartered Accountant (CA)
  • Tax Agent
  • Company Auditor

Areas of service you specialise in:

  • Business services generalist
  • Proactive advice
  • Business planning

Career highlights:

  • Watching and helping clients achieve great outcomes.