FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 10 September, 2020
Marina Firth
(02) 9299 1200
CAAA C.A.R.E.S Power Up to support our healthcare workers on the frontline Sydney, NSW: CAAA today announced they will be participating as a Firm in this year’s Power UP Challenge, a 30km challenge to raise money for the Prince of Wales Hospital Foundation as part of CAAA C.A.R.E.S, an initiative to give back to charities in the community.
CAAA Wong and Mayes Director, Silas Chan, has recently been appointed as the Director and Treasurer of the Prince of Wales Hospital Foundation commented,
“People generally understand and appreciate the challenges, risk and sacrifice made by frontline medical workers, however we lack the ability to demonstrate our acknowledgment. In the UK it’s as simple as lining up on the streets to clap to thank the medical staff for their work. At the POWH Foundation we are giving everyone an opportunity to say thank you to our medical workers by participating in a fun walk or by donating”.
The funds raised will be used to fund new virtual models of care, keep staff safe and help them to deliver better telehealth services for all patients.
The CAAA team will aim to walk or cycle 30kms per day, with a goal to raise $5,000.
About CAAA Wong and Mayes CAAA Wong and Mayes are a specialist Asia Pacific division of CAAA, a large boutique accounting and advisory firm, with a full service offering for corporate and individual clients.
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