Tracey Sharah

Tracey Sharah - Business Services Manager CAAA

Tracey Sharah
Business Services Manager

From owning her own practice, to broadcasting her own radio channel dedicated to discussing “all things SMSF”, Tracey not only has over twenty five years of experience, she understands how to deliver advice to clients in a language that makes sense to them.

Holding a Bachelor degree in Accounting and a Diploma in Financial Planning, Tracey is a Certified Practising Accountant and manages a team of eight at CAAA that provide experienced service in the processing of all clients taxation requirements and compliance documents, breaking down complexity and delivering the best outcome possible.

Beyond the workplace, Tracey has a great admiration for some high achieving women who give her moments of real inspiration; Oprah, Catherine Martin , Madonna, Pink, Gail Kelly, Julia Gillard and Jacinda Adern to name just a few.

Do you follow any sports?

I love swimming, tennis and most of all netball which I’m crazy about

What is one thing you’re infamous for?

Making it to the top 10 couples in NSW for ‘The Block’.

Your qualifications:

  • Certified Practising Accountant
  • Tax agent
  • SMSF Specialist CPA
  • Mental Health First Aid

Areas of Specialty

  • Taxation
  • Business Advisory
  • Superannuation – SMSFs

Career highlights

  • Over 35 years’ experience including 22 years’ experience in running my own CPA Public Practice Accounting Firm . Specialising in SME Business Taxation, Accounting, Business Advisory and Self Managed Superannuation Funds. Corporate Accountings ( Gowings, CODA, Ocius and Harvey Norman)